I am trying mediainfo.dll but I notice that there is little information so I look for two things, first an example of how to get the duration of a video and if they have any link with the documentation that I can share about mediainfo.dll.
I am trying mediainfo.dll but I notice that there is little information so I look for two things, first an example of how to get the duration of a video and if they have any link with the documentation that I can share about mediainfo.dll.
It uses WMP.DLL which is the multi-format windows player which will tell you the duration between other data and you can play it if you want, it is added as a user control by the COM Components.
It is added from the Controls menu by clicking the right button of the mouse, you have to go "Choose elements" once there add "Windows Media Player" of the "COM Components" Section and once this is done load this Function. ..
Public Function GetDuracionArchivo(ByVal FilePath As String) As String
On Error Resume Next
With AxWindowsMediaPlayer1
.settings.autoStart = False
.URL = FilePath
GetDuracionArchivo = .currentMedia.durationString
End With
End Function