Why does not the class work for me, Class 'Image' not found?

use Image;

    $empresa= empresa::find($id);

    if ($request->hasFile('logo')) 


      $image_name = time(). '.'. $imagen->getClientOriginalName();
      $destination_path= public_path()."/image_empresas";
     Image::make('logo')->save($destination_path, $image_name);

     $empresa->logo = $image_name;


the code works for me if I do not use the

  Image::make('logo')->save($destination_path, $image_name);
asked by darling peralta 26.11.2017 в 04:04

1 answer


The correct steps to use the library would be:

1. Positioned in the root of your project run:

composer require intervention/image

2. In the /config/app.php file in the providers section add at the end:


3. In the /config/app.php file within the aliases section add at the end:

'Image' => Intervention\Image\Facades\Image::class,

After these steps should work without problems

answered by 28.11.2017 в 20:04