In this code I skip the following error: invalid use of void expression.
More precisely in return ciclo_Euleriano(g, g.getVertices().pop_front(), g.getVertices().pop_front());
and I do not know why it is.
bool ciclo_Euleriano(const Grafo<T> & g, T u, T first) { //u es el vertice
bool found = false;
if (!aristas.empty()) {
list<typename Grafo<T>::Arco> adyacentes = g.getAdyacentes(u);
for (typename list<typename Grafo<T>::Arco>::iterator it = adyacentes.begin(); it != adyacentes.end() && !found; it++) {
if (Camino_no_Usado(u, it->getAdyacente(), aristas)) {
addArista(camino, u, it->getAdyacente(), g.getCosto(u, *it));
eliminar(u, *it, aristas);
found = ciclo_Euleriano(g, *it, first);
if (!found) {
addArista(aristas, u, *it, g.getCosto(u, *it));
} else
if (u == first)
found = true;
return found;
bool ciclo_Euleriano(const Grafo<T> & g) {
list<typename Grafo<T>::Arco> aristas = g.getAristas();
return ciclo_Euleriano(g, g.getVertices().pop_front(), g.getVertices().pop_front());
Here I leave the getVertices()
list<T> getVertices() const {
list<T> vertices;
for (typename map<T, map<T, int> >::const_iterator itV = grafo.begin(); itV != grafo.end(); itV++)
return vertices;