SchemaLocation must have even number of URI's


I am creating an electronic invoice but in the validation of it it tells me that it has this error:


Error in line (2): SchemaLocation: schemaLocation value =   ' link   ../xsd/DIAN_UBL.xsd   urn: un: unece: uncefact: data: specification: UnqualifiedDataTypesSchemaModule: 2   ../../ubl2/common/UnqualifiedDataTypeSchemaModule-2.0.xsd   urn: oasis: names: specification: ubl: schema: xsd: QualifiedDatatypes-2   ../../ubl2/common/UBL-QualifiedDatatypes- 2.0.xsd 'must have even   number of URI's.

Someone knows what that error is.

asked by afar1793 29.11.2017 в 14:40

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