I am working with the cPanel API and I want to list all the emails with the assigned tray space and how much they have consumed so far ... Everything works for me without problems but my question / problem lies in the following:
In the documentation it says that you have to pass as a domain parameter, so I do a query, I do a count to know how many domains there are in total and then I work it in a while ... Inside this while I have the Consult the API for what I need but, when you print it makes it double, understand, like this:
How do I avoid that? I attach my codes:
define('cP_user', '*******');
define('cP_pass', '********');
define('cp_svIP', '***.***.***.***');
define('cP_port', '2083');
// xml_api.php es la que se encuentra en la repo oficial de cPanel
$xmlapi = new xmlapi(cp_svIP);
$xmlapi -> set_port(cP_port);
$xmlapi -> password_auth(cP_user,cP_pass);
$xmlapi -> set_debug(1);
$get_domain_list = $xmlapi->api2_query(
// cP_user, 'DomainLookup', 'getmaindomain' --> dominio principal
cP_user, 'DomainLookup', 'getbasedomains' //--> todos los dominios
$total_domains = count($get_domain_list->data);
$k = 0;
while ($k < $total_domains) {
$get_email_list = $xmlapi->api2_query(
cP_user, 'Email', 'listpopswithdisk',
array( 'domain' => $get_domain_list->data[$k]->domain, )
$total_emails = count($get_email_list->data);
$i = 0;
while ($i < $total_emails) {
echo 'correo: '. $get_email_list->data[$i]->email;
echo ' | Espacio utilizado: '. $get_email_list->data[$i]->humandiskused;
echo ' | Capacidad bandeja: '. $get_email_list->data[$i]->humandiskquota .'<br/>';