Greetings friends, since yesterday I'm trying to solve an exercise but I can not find a solution for now. I have 2 tables in my DB called ts_client and another ts_quipment , the relationship is 1: n a client can have many computers. Previously I could append records successfully, but after I created the relationship 1: n it was a bit complicated, since it is the first time I work with related tables.
I was reading some solutions that they present on the internet, as I understood I should take the id of my table ts_cliente and then work based on that id with the table ts_equipment ; I got to work but only I get error after error. I clarify that I am using pdo oo , I leave a reference image:
By clicking on Register team, the values are sent by means of a function which will insert the data in the DB.
$ced = $_POST['cedu_cli'];
$nomb = $_POST['nomb_cli'];
$aped = $_POST['aped_cli'];
$telf = $_POST['telf_cli'];
$direc = $_POST['dire_cli'];
$equipo = $_POST['equipo'];
$marca = $_POST['marca'];
$model= $_POST['modelo'];
$serial = $_POST['serial'];
$fech = $_POST['fecha'];
$persona = new usuario();
$persona->insertarCliente($ced, $nomb, $aped, $telf, $direc, $equipo, $marca, $model, $serial, $fech);
Here is the function that is responsible for processing the data
public function insertarCliente($ced, $nomb, $aped, $telf, $direc, $equipo, $marca, $model, $serial, $fech){
// Compruebo que las variables no esten vacias
if(empty($ced) || empty($nomb) || empty($aped) || empty($telf) || empty($direc)){
header('Location: pagina_clientes.php');
$comprobar = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ts_cliente WHERE cli_ced = $ced LIMIT 1";
$existe = $this->db_conexion->query($comprobar);
// Si ya existe la cedula simplemente registro el equipo
if($existe->fetchColumn() > 0){
$valor = "SELECT cli_id FROM ts_cliente WHERE cli_ced = $ced LIMIT 1";
$cli_id = $this->db_conexion->query($valor);
$last_id = $cli_id->fetch();
$id = $last_id['cli_id'];
$insertar = "INSERT INTO ts_equipo (equ_nom, equ_mar, equ_mod, equ_ser, equ_fec, cli_id) VALUES ($equipo, $marca, $model, $serial, $fech, $id)";
$resultado = $this->db_conexion->query($insertar);
header('location: pagina_equipos.php');
// Caso contrario registro al cliente y el equipo
$insertar = "INSERT INTO ts_cliente (cli_ced, cli_nom, cli_ape, cli_tel, cli_dir) VALUES (:a, :b, :c, :d, :e)";
$resultado = $this->db_conexion->prepare($insertar);
$last_id = $this->db_conexion->lastInsertId();
$insertar2 = "INSERT INTO ts_equipo (equ_nom, equ_mar, equ_mod, equ_ser, equ_fec, cli_id) VALUES ($equipo, $marca, $model, $serial, $fech, $last_id)";
$resultado2 = $this->db_conexion->query($insertar2);
header('location: pagina_equipos.php');
$this->db_conexion = null;
That was the last code I tested, previously I had a function to register the equipment and from the function that registers the clients I called the team function ... But I generated several errors, and I thought that with this form I could work but the result was the same: (
Excuse me if I have errors in the implementation of the code, but this way was that I understood (and I take it for granted that it is wrong) ... That is why I appeal to you colleagues, to guide me on the subject; already understanding this part of the code I can finish to relate my other tables. Blessings