help with query to update with fields separated by commas


I have the table


Frutas   Manzana
Frutas   Peras
Frutas   Uvas
Lacteos  Yogur

Frutas   1
Manzana  2
Peras    3
Yogur    1
Lacteos  1

I need a query that ponsiga this:

FIELD A and FIELD C In such a way that it would be

Frutas   1,2,3
Lacteos  1,1
asked by user104906 15.11.2017 в 17:54

1 answer


Obviously, to achieve your result, it is necessary to make a join between the 2 tables. The weirdness of your question is that CANTIDAD.CAMPOC contains values of both columns of the COSAS table. That is, COSAS.CAMPOA fulfills a double function of categorizing the CAMPOB but also making a join with the table CANTIDAD . Again, that design seems strange to me.

In any case, what you ask is possible, but first you have to correct the design in a virtual way, making all the values in the COSAS table that you need to make a join remain in the same column. This is achieved with the following query:

select distinct a as categoria,
                a as elemento
  from cosas
 union all
select a as categoria,
       b as elemento
  from cosas

Afterwards it's easy to add the join and the LISTAGG :

with cte as (
  select distinct a as categoria,
                  a as elemento
    from cosas
   union all
  select a as categoria,
         b as elemento
    from cosas
select t.categoria,
       listagg(c.d, ',') within group (order by c.d) as lista_cantidades
  from cte t
  join cantidad c
    on c.c = t.elemento
 group by t.categoria


create table cosas (
  a varchar2(50) not null,
  b varchar2(50) not null

create table cantidad (
  c varchar2(50) not null,
  d number(5) not null

insert all
  into cosas (a,b) values ('Frutas', 'Manzana')
  into cosas (a,b) values ('Frutas', 'Peras')
  into cosas (a,b) values ('Frutas', 'Uvas')
  into cosas (a,b) values ('Lacteos', 'Yogur')
select null from dual

insert all
  into cantidad (c,d) values ('Frutas', 1)
  into cantidad (c,d) values ('Manzana', 2)
  into cantidad (c,d) values ('Peras', 3)
  into cantidad (c,d) values ('Yogur', 1)
  into cantidad (c,d) values ('Lacteos', 1)
select null from dual
answered by 17.11.2017 / 19:05