Script to upload the Windows event log to a SQL DB


Good morning, Clarify first that the script works, but surely among all of you help me to optimize it.

This is a script that extracts security events (Logon / Logoff from the machine) and stores them in a SQL database. Here goes:


Set the variables for connection to the database:

$SQLServer = ""
$SQLDBName = "SQLEvents"
$SQLTable  = "Events"
$uid       = "DBUser"
$pwd       = "pass@word1"

Stores in a variable the list of events related to the Logon / Logoff of users:

$list = get-EventLog Security -Source Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing | Where { $_.InstanceID -like "4624" -or $_.InstanceID -like "4625" -or $_.InstanceID -like "4647"} | Select MachineName,Index,TimeGenerated,EntryType,Source,InstanceId,Message
write-host "Numero de eventos en el log: $($list.count)"

Establish the connection to the database:

$conn = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
$conn.ConnectionString = "Server = $SQLServer; Database = $SQLDBName; Integrated Security = False; User ID = $uid; Password = $pwd;"
$cmd = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
$cmd.connection = $conn

For each element in the variable, set the values to insert in the database:

foreach ($item in $list) {
    $computer_id = $item.MachineName
    $num =  $item.Index
    $time =  get-date $item.TimeGenerated -Format s
    $entrytype =  $item.EntryType
    $source =  $item.Source
    $instanceid =  $item.InstanceId
    $message =  $item.Message
    # Lanza la consulta y evita los duplicados en función del "Index" y el nombre de la máquina "MachineName".
    # Al evitar duplicados, podemos almacenar en una misma tabla los registros de múltiples servidores.
        $cmd.commandtext = "IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM $SQLTable WHERE [num] = '$num' AND [computer_id] = '$computer_id') INSERT INTO $SQLTable (computer_id,num,time,entrytype,Source,instanceid,message) VALUES ('$computer_id','$num','$time','$entrytype','$source','$instanceid','$message')"

Close the connection with the DB:



One of the things that is about to be done is to mask the user and the password (encrypt it, go). And another: Is it possible to take a small summary (Single Line) of the number of records inserted in the database for each execution? I want to export it to a local log in the machine (c: \ Temp \ log.txt), but even though I have "saved" the script I have not managed to do anything without affecting the speed of execution ...

Thank you very much from now!

Regards, Klemin

asked by klemin 17.11.2017 в 15:51

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