Cycle an arrangement of a MongoDB object in Python with Django


I'm trying to cycle an array that comes from a node in mongoDB, this is Mongo's object:

  "nombre": "Sebastián Yatra",

The view controller is this

from django.shortcuts import render
from pymongo import MongoClient

def paises( req ):
  client = MongoClient()
  obj = { 'obj': client['mydb']['paises'].find() }
  return render( req, 'index.html', obj )

This is how I'm cycling in the view with Django

<h5>{{ obj.nombre }}</h5> #aquí si imprime Sebastián Yatra
{% for pais in obj.paises %}
  <li>{{ pais[0] }}</li>
{% endfor %}
<p>{{ len(obj.paises) }} encontados</p>

First he tells me


Could not parse this remainder: 'obj.paises' from 'len (obj.paises)'

And if I remove the line it says


Could not parse this remainder '[0]' from 'country [0]'

I'm still a novice with Python, my experience tells me that first I must declare a variable that increases type pais[i] but I do not know where to declare i = 0, and then where to increase it.

What can I do with these 2 erors?

asked by Alberto Siurob 03.08.2018 в 22:02

1 answer


First, with % for pais in obj.paises % you are already iterating over the list so that pais is the item in turn ("Mexico", "Argentina", "Peru", etc). You do not need to "index" about pais , just:

<li>{{ pais }}</li>

On the other hand, to show the length of the list you can use the built-in length :

<p>{{ obj.paises|length }} encontrados</p>

Therefore your template should look something like this:

<h5>{{ obj.nombre }}</h5>    
  {% for pais in obj.paises %}
  {% endfor %}
<p>{{ obj.paises|length }} encontrados</p>

Which for your example would show us:

        <h5>Sebastián Yatra</h5>
        <p>3 encontrados</p>
answered by 03.08.2018 / 23:37