how to enter data in a textbox and keep showing the data?


I have a table where I entered student grades. In each row or record of the table I have 3 texbox for which I entered the ratings. I need to show them there when I enter them and also be able to update them there ... I now send the grades and then the fields remain blank again. I'm working with laravel.

I hope someone helps me.

asked by Estefania 09.11.2017 в 02:33

1 answer


First you will have to have a route for each action, let's say that in the path create is where we create our student and the path edit where we update the data of our students.

Route::get('student/create', 'StudentController@create');
Route::get('student/update', 'StudentController@edit');

Now we go to the controller, we create the two methods for the routes and in each method we will return a different view, but share a subview that will be the form.

class StudentController extends Controller
    public function create()
        return view('student.create');

    public function edit()
        return view('student.update');

Now let's create our views. We create three the vita create the view edit and one more that we will call form .

// Esta seria la vista 'create', la cual tendria una formulario
// al metodo 'store' donde guardariamos nuestro usuario.

<form method="POST" action="{{ action('StudentController@store') }}">
    {{ csrf_field() }}

// Esta seria la vista 'edit', la cual tendria una formulario
// al metodo 'update' donde actualizariamos nuestro usuario.

<form method="POST" action="{{ action('StudentController@update', $student) }}">
    {{ csrf_field() }}
    {{ method_field('put') }}

Finally, we created the form view where we used the form to create and update our users.

<input name="name" value="{{ $student->name or old('name') }}" type="text">
<input name="date_birth" value="{{ $student->date_birth or old('date_birth') }}" type="date">

The trick is to combine the logic or with the method old , Ex: {{ $student->name or old('name') }} . This way, we get that when there is a user, that is, when we update it, it will show us its non-name and if there is no user it will show the data of the request, that if it does not exist it will return null.

answered by 09.11.2017 в 22:15