VB get cursor that returns a function in postgresql


I am using postgresql and vb, and I want to obtner in vb the result of a function that returns a cursor, but I have only been able to make it return the name of the cursor, and I do not want that, but the cursor data.

This is the code:

Sub BUSQUEDA(ByRef OBJ As Object, ByVal STR_VALOR As String, ByVal INT_TIPO As Integer, ByVal STR_OPERACION As String)
Dim CONECTION As New OdbcConnection

            CONECTION.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("SEAU.My.MySettings.FARMACIA_ISABEL_DBConnectionString_64").ConnectionString + ";pwd=xxxxx"

            Dim COMMAND As OdbcCommand = New OdbcCommand(" SELECT SP_BUSQUEDA_DGV('" + STR_VALOR + "'," + CStr(INT_TIPO) + ",'" + STR_OPERACION + "','CURSOR_BUSQ'); " +
                                                         " FETCH ALL IN ""CURSOR_BUSQ"";", CONECTION)

Dim DA As New OdbcDataAdapter
            Dim DT As New DataTable


            DA.SelectCommand = COMMAND

            OBJ = DT
        Catch ex As Exception
            If (CONECTION.State = ConnectionState.Open) Then
            End If

            Throw ex
        End Try
End Sub
asked by nasck 08.11.2017 в 00:52

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