How to generate a dually linked circular list automatically


Good, I have a question as I generate a list doubly linked circulate automatically (give me some data and the number of nodes that I must create).

I have the code to enter All, but I do not think this one will help me

public void insertarNodo(Ruleta dato) {
    Nodo nuevo = new Nodo(dato);

    if (cabeza == null) {
        cabeza = nuevo;
    } else {
        Nodo temp = cabeza;
        while (temp.getSiguiente() != cabeza) {
            temp = temp.getSiguiente();

Node Class

public class Nodo {

private Ruleta dato;
private Nodo anterior;
private Nodo siguiente;

public Nodo(Ruleta dato) {
    this.dato = dato;

public Ruleta getDato() {
    return dato;

public void setDato(Ruleta dato) {
    this.dato = dato;

public Nodo getAnterior() {
    return anterior;

public void setAnterior(Nodo anterior) {
    this.anterior = anterior;

public Nodo getSiguiente() {
    return siguiente;

public void setSiguiente(Nodo siguiente) {
    this.siguiente = siguiente;


I have placed the Node class ..

<p:panel header="#{bundle.titulo} #{beanRuleta.listaRuleta.contarNodos()}" id="pnlDatos">
                <p:panelGrid columns="2">
                    <p:outputLabel value="#{bundle.colores}"/>
                    <p:inputText value="#{beanRuleta.nodoMostrar.dato.colores}" maxlength="25"/>
                    <p:outputLabel value="#{bundle.posiciones}"/>
                    <p:inputText value="#{beanRuleta.nodoMostrar.dato.posicion}" maxlength="25"/>

            <h:panelGroup layout="block" id="pnlBotones">
                <p:commandButton value="#{bundle.btnGuardar}" update="@all" action="#{beanRuleta.guardarRuleta()}" ajax="false"/>

The previous one is where I ask for the data (position = nodes to create)

In the Bean class I only have the following

public void guardarRuleta(){

    listaRuleta.insertarNodo(new Ruleta(nodoMostrar.getDato().getColores(), nodoMostrar.getDato().getPosicion()));
asked by Godie F Ruiz 06.11.2017 в 05:39

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