How to play youtube videos on Xamarin android?


I am trying to play a video from YouTube on Xamarin android, and I have been able to play videos using webview but I can not use controls like play, someone could help me or give me information, I would like to use something like Videoview but I can not play streaming videos

I'm clear I'm new programming on Android

and tried this:

    string ID = "4Ec1NsEoKZ4";

        Browser.HeightRequest = 1000;
        Browser.WidthRequest = 1000;
        // Browser.Source = cadena;
        Browser.Source = "";

        //Browser.Source = "" + ID;

        //---------------------------------------------------------- BOTON SIGUIENTE
        BTN_SIG.Clicked += (sender, e) =>
            ID = "irQ1NhpPoJs";
            Browser.Source = "" + ID ;

            Browser.BackgroundColor = Color.Green;

asked by Omar_paredes 01.11.2017 в 06:28

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