To make a join in JPA Criteria you can see this link link I also send you the example with your query but just make sure you have well mapped the relationships of the tables, I leave the code of how the query could be with criteriaBuilder
CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
ArrayList<Predicate> lstPredicates = new ArrayList<>();
CriteriaQuery<PerTipoRelServ> query = cb.createQuery(PerTipoRelServ.class);
Root<PerTipoRelServ> tipo = query.from(PerTipoRelServ.class);
Join<PerTipoRelServ, PerDatosListin> datos = tipo.join("cTipoRelServ");
Predicate pDatos = cb.equal(datos.<Integer>get("tipoRelServ"), cTipoRelServ);
query.where(cb.and(lstPredicates.toArray(new Predicate[lstPredicates.size()])));
List<PerTipoRelServ> lstTipo = em.createQuery(query).getResultList();