Separacion between the points of the axes


I have an application to show points of a table of values (x, y) in a polilinea , for this I use a canvas and a pointcollection

My question is if I can make the separation between the points bigger

I explain myself with an image:

Polyline polilinea2 = new Polyline();
        PointCollection puntos2 = new PointCollection();
        xrealmin = -200; xrealmax = 200; yrealmin = -200; yrealmax = 200;
        xpantmin = 0; xpantmax = grafica.ActualWidth; ypantmin = 0; ypantmax = grafica.ActualHeight;
        polilinea2.Stroke = Brushes.Red;

        if (e.aux == 1)

        dibujar(polilinea2, puntos2, e.hojas, e.selected);

 public Point escalar(int x, int y)
        xreal = x;
        yreal = y;
        xpant = ((xpantmax - xpantmin) * (xreal - xrealmin) / (xrealmax - xrealmin) + xpantmin)+10;
        ypant = (ypantmin - ypantmax) * (yreal - yrealmin) / (yrealmax - yrealmin) + ypantmax;
        Point p = new Point(xpant, ypant);
        return p;

    public void dibujar(Polyline p, PointCollection pc, List<Hojas> h, int selected)
        if (selected!=-1 && h.Count>0 && h[selected].lp.Count>0)
            for (int i = 0; i < h[selected].lp.Count; i++)
                pc.Add(escalar(h[selected].lp[i].x, h[selected].lp[i].y));

            p.Points = pc;
            nHoja.Content = h[selected].name;
asked by Aitor Ramos Pajares 29.10.2017 в 01:07

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