I have my develop branch and there create sub-branches of develop to be able to work, I upload the commits to each branch and I do a merge, but I do not know how I can do a git pull and update my sub-branch to the latest changes in develop.
I have my develop branch and there create sub-branches of develop to be able to work, I upload the commits to each branch and I do a merge, but I do not know how I can do a git pull and update my sub-branch to the latest changes in develop.
Remember this.
-Create a branch from develop git checkout -b mod_mi_otra_rama
, you are in the develop branch and you created this branch, when you create it automatically you pass to the new branch
Update your local branch with your repository in the cloud git push origin mod_mi_otra_rama
, you are in your new branch and upload it, you created the branch in your synchronized repo.
All this is after you have it in Gitlab or in Github , or where you have your code.
Update your local branch git pull origin mod_mi_otra_rama
, you are standing on the same branch, and you will update with the changes that someone else went up.
-Mix your branch with the latest local changes of develop git merge develop
, you are in your branch mod_mi_otra_rama
and update it with develop
Update your branch with the global changes of develop git pull origin develop
Here you can take the first steps with GIT
I hope it serves you. Greetings