It would be necessary to see how you have defined your model but to see if this example helps you.
If, for example, you have defined an Genero
Public Enum Genero
End Enum
And, in your model, a property GeneroPersona
of type Genero
Property GeneroPersona() As Genero
The code in your view could be something like this:
@Html.LabelFor(Function(m) m.GeneroPersona, New With {.class = "control-label"})
@Html.RadioButtonFor(Function(m) m.GeneroPersona, Genero.Masculino, New With {.Id = "rdMasculino" })
<label for="rdMasculino">Masculino</label>
@Html.RadioButtonFor(Function(m) m.GeneroPersona, Genero.Femenino, New With {.Id = "rdFemenino"})
<label for="rdFemenino">Femenino</label>
The RadioButtonFor
method creates the radiobuttons and assigned you a Id
specific to be able to associate a label with each one.