When I updated the changes in sight, I get this error:
Notice (8): Undefined variable: manager [APP \ View \ Views \ browser2.ctp, line 133]
I have reviewed up and down and nothing .. I keep giving the same error ...
Similar to this I have it in another browser1.ctp view and it works perfectly ...
If someone gives me a north ....
Here is the code ... line 133 in the original here is 35
echo '<table>';
echo '<tr>';
echo '<th></th>';
foreach ($campos as $campo => $nombre){
echo '<th>'.$paginator->sort($campo, $nombre).'</th>';
echo '</tr>';
foreach ($leads as $lead){
echo '<tr>';
echo '<td>';
echo $this->Html->link(
array('class' => 'edit_button', 'target' => '',"onclick"=>'openWindow("'.$lead['Vista']['id'].'","90%","100%");')
echo '</td>';
foreach ($campos as $campo => $nombre){
if (is_numeric ($lead['Vista'][$campo]) or in_array($campo,$dates)) $clase='numeric';
else $clase='texto';
if (in_array($campo,$modificables)) $clase='desplegable';
echo '<td class="'.$clase.'">';
if (in_array($campo,$modificables)){
if ($campo == 'valid_status') {
echo '<form action="javascript:save_text('.$lead['Vista']['id'].')">';
echo $this->Form->input('valid_status', array('div'=>false, 'class'=>'selection_'.$lead['Vista']['id'],'label'=>false, 'selected'=>$lead['Vista'][$campo],
'name'=>$lead['Vista']['id'].'_select','options' => array($status),'onChange'=>'this.form.submit()'));
echo '<div class="div_sta_'.$lead['Vista']['id'].'"></div>';
echo '</form>';
} else {
echo '<form action="javascript:save_gestor('.$lead['Vista']['id'].')">';
echo $this->Form->input('id_gestor', array('div'=>false, 'class'=>'gestor_'.$lead['Vista']['id'],'label'=>false, 'selected'=>$lead['Vista'][$campo],
'name'=>$lead['Vista']['id'].'_select','options' => array($gestor),'onChange'=>'this.form.submit()')); // ESTA ES LA LÍNEA DEL ERROR
echo '<div class="div_ges_'.$lead['Vista']['id'].'"></div>';
echo '</form>';
}else if (in_array($campo,$dates)){
if ($lead['Vista'][$campo]=='') echo 'N/A';
else echo date('d/m/Y', strtotime($lead['Vista'][$campo]));
}else echo $lead['Vista'][$campo];
echo '</td>';
echo '</tr>';