how to prevent a php code (laravel), installed on a PC like desktop app, from being altered


Sorry if the question is long

What I want is not to prevent someone else from having my source code and be able to reuse it. in fact I plan to upload it to github when it is stable.

What I want is that no user of the system can go to the htdocs folder and alter the source code to, for example, delete the login system.

This is a system to take control of workers' attendance to private events, making validations that vary according to the desired example (age, type, gender, etc). and the events are outside the company's network.

the application must be executed using electron and a computer will have the application as a desktop app and as a database server for the other PC clients of the system.

I would like to emphasize that the server will be a desktop PC more than serves as laravel 5.4 and postgres.

Investigating I understood that hhvm does not support me for laravel 5.4.

Is it possible with a virtual machine like virtualbox?

asked by christian alejandro areinamo a 21.10.2017 в 01:06

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