Good, I have an application made on a dealer, I have a jtabbedpane with a reports tab where I make queries or by customer code or by registration and I visualize it in a texArea in this way:
The issue is that when I click on the button to print and generate a PDF with the text I pick from the textArea, it shows me the content of this, but all in one line, without applying the format I want.
Image of the generated PDF:
Print class code:
public class ImprimirPDF
public Font fuenteInforme = new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 10);
public PrintJob pj;
public Graphics paginaInforme;
public ImprimirPDF()
pj = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getPrintJob(new Frame(), "Informe", null);
public void realizarImpresion(String textoImprimir)
paginaInforme = pj.getGraphics();
paginaInforme.drawString(textoImprimir, 60, 80);
}catch(Exception e){JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Impresión cancelada");}