What I need is that when the user presses the button to delete the record, it does not allow me to delete if it is related to another table, that is, I have a table grupo_cod, related to another one called items, at the moment to delete a record grupo_cod I must verify if it has a relation in items .. if so, send a message to the user, otherwise delete it ..
int a =JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, "Esta seguro que dese eliminar", "Eliminar", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);
con.ejecutarSentencia("delete from grupos where gru_cod="+txt_id.getText());
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Eliminado con exito");
This is the code I use to delete, what I need is for you to type a comparison so that you know that if the record is being used in another table do not delete and send an SMS