The program stopped working


It turns out that I'm doing a program that generates an array with random numbers, the program worked, but I changed some things to improve it. and it is executed but after generating 2 random values to compare them in the array, I see an advantage "I stop working". I'm working on the "numbers" method, that method will search if the number generated is in the array and if it is, that number will be changed to "178" which is the ASCII code that I chose to use to show it crossed out.

#include <stdio.h>
    #include <gotoxy.h>
    #include <time.h>
    #include <stdbool.h>

    int numeros(int bingo1[5][5], int i);

    int Aleatorio (int inicial)
        return rand() % 15 + inicial; 

    bool Verificador(int numero, int columna, int bingo1 [5][5], int colum, int k, int a) 
        int j, q;
        if (k==2){ j=colum; q=a;}else{j=columna; q=numero;}
            for(int i=4 ;i>=0;i--)
                                if(k==2){numeros(0,i); }    
                            return true;
    return false;

    int carton1 ()
        int x=3, bingo1 [5][5];
        for (int a=1; a<=2;a++)
            int  fila, columna, y=3, numero, inicial=1;
            for (columna=0; columna<5; columna++)
                for(fila=0; fila<5; fila++)     
                            numero= Aleatorio(inicial);
                        while(Verificador(numero, columna, bingo1, 0,0,0) == true);
            inicial=inicial + 15;
            if (a==1){gotoxy(11,2); printf("BINGO | %d |",a);}
            else{gotoxy(48,2); printf("BINGO | %d |", a);}
            for (fila=0; fila<5; fila++)
                for (columna=0; columna<5; columna++)       
                    gotoxy(x,y); printf("| %d |", bingo1[columna][fila]);
            y=y + 2;
    numeros(bingo1, 0);
int numeros(int bingo1[5][5], int i)
int a, fil, colum, k=2, n=3,m=3;
    for (int c=1; c<=25; c++)
        a=rand() % 75 + 1; 
        gotoxy(20,15);printf("EL NUMERO ALEATORIO ES:  %d  ", a);
            for (colum=0; colum<5; colum++)     
                        if( Verificador(0,0,bingo1,colum,k,a) == true);
            for (fil=0; fil<5; fil++)
                for (colum=0; colum<5; colum++)     
                    gotoxy(n,m); printf("| %d |", bingo1[colum][fil]);
            m=m + 2;

    int main ()

        return 0;

asked by LordOfDreams 14.10.2017 в 03:47

1 answer


According to this function:

int numeros(int bingo1[5][5], int i)

The following code is not too timely:

    if(k==2){numeros(0,i); }
    return true;

The first parameter that you are passing to numeros is 0, which is translated (in this case) into a null pointer ... at the time when numeros tries to access some value of that pointer the Operating System will kill your application to avoid corrupting memory that does not belong to you.

I understand that the correct thing would be to do:

if(k==2){numeros(bingo1,i); }

Peeero your program is a bit chaotic:

  • Variables give no idea of their usefulness
  • Why k==2 ?
  • Tabulation is strange and does not help to understand the areas
answered by 14.10.2017 в 12:16