Currently the arrays (variables) sent them correctly to a view, but it turns out that this is a modal and I want the variables to also reach the main view (this second one without loading it, only that they are stored temporarily in it).
Here the code that works correctly with a single view:
$proyeccion = $this -> data['proyeccion'] = $this -> cnm_liquidacioncuotas -> CnmCalcularCuotasVista($datos, $fecha_activacion, $medio_pago, $hipotecario, $reliquidacion, $refinanciacion);
$this -> data['seguros_vida'] = $this -> cnm_calculosegurosvi -> calculoSegurosVida($datos, $proyeccion);
$this -> data['seguros_incendio'] = $this -> cnm_calculosegurosvi -> calculoSegurosIncendio($datos, $proyeccion);
if ($hipotecario == 'true')
$this -> load -> view('carteranomisional/carteranomisional_visualizar_proyeccion', $this -> data);
Again, the sent to this view is done correctly with the arrays $ this - > data [] . But I want to send them to a second view without the $ this - > load - > view () , since this one loads me another page again, which is not correct.