My photos are lost with the paginator


When loading the page it works well it shows me the images but if I put the following one in the paginator the images are lost I have the doubt to that this is due. It works well At the moment of clicking the next pager or the number is lost. I have the doubt that it could be the welcome/list/ that I jump that happens there is

public function list()
		$config['first_tag_open'] ='<li>';
		$config['first_tag_close'] ='</li>';
		$config['last_tag_open'] ='<li>';
		$config['last_tag_close'] ='</li>';
		$config['prev_tag_open'] ='<li>';
		$config['prev_tag_close'] ='</li>';
		$config['next_tag_open'] ='<li>';
		$config['next_tag_close'] ='</li>';
		$config['num_tag_open'] ='<li>';
		$config['num_tag_close'] ='</li>';
		$config['cur_tag_open'] ='<li class="active"><a href="#">';
		$config['cur_tag_close'] ='</a></li>';

		$data['post'] = $this->m->getPost($config['per_page'],$page);
		$data['pagination']= $this->pagination->create_links();
		$this->load->view('list', $data);

<div class="item-image">
  <a href="<?php echo base_url('/index.php/welcome/jobdetails/'.$row->id_post); ?>">
  <img src="../assets/img/ico/<?php echo $row -> img; ?>" alt="Image" class="img-responsive">

I hope to have explained myself well I will be aware of the post. Greetings

asked by MoteCL 04.10.2017 в 21:56

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