I'm trying to insert a last character in the first word when I enter a word of dimension 1 in the row or a "y" or "a" error and it does not do anything in my attachment method
public void cambiarUltimo(char pCar) {
Nodo p, q;
q = new Nodo(pCar);
p = cab.RetornaLiga();
while (p != null && p.GetCaracter() != ' ') {
if (p.RetornaLiga().GetCaracter() == ' ') {
I do not get the wrong thing is that it does not do anything to me as if it stayed in the method and did not come out public class Node {
private char car;
private Nodo liga;
public Nodo(char pCar) {
car = pCar;
liga = null;
public char GetCaracter() {
return car;
public void AsignaLiga(Nodo pLiga) {
liga = pLiga;
public Nodo RetornaLiga() {
return liga;