I have the following lib :
module Bitfinex
module V1::TradesClient
# Get a list of the most recent trades for the given symbol.
# @param symbol [IOTUSD] the name of the symbol
# @param params :timestamp [time] Only show trades at or after this timestamp.
# @param params :limit_trades [int] Limit the number of trades returned. Must be >= 1.
# @return [Array]
# @example:
# client.trades
def trades(symbol="btcusd", params={})
check_params(params, %i{timestamp limit_trades})
get("trades/#{symbol}", params).body
# Listen to the trades using websocket.
# @param pair [string]
# @param block [Block] The code to be executed when a new trade is executed
# @example:
# client.listen_trades do |trade|
# puts trade.inspect
# end
def listen_trades(pair="BTCUSD", &block)
raise BlockMissingError unless block_given?
register_channel pair:pair, channel: 'trades', &block
What should I do to:
puts client.listen
Go adding the amount
of sell
and buys
gem: link
doc: link