How to avoid redirecting the form? - PERL


I have a form which I used to make a basic calculator but at the time of executing the script CGI in PERL redirects me to a white page and only prints the answer.

I would like to press the submit button to execute the script CGI of PERL and without changing the page I would print the answer below the button submit or in some space of the page without this to be redirected to the white page.

My form is this:

 <form id="formu" action="multiplicar.cgi" method="POST" class="form register">
  <h2 class="form_titulo"> Calculadora </h2> 
     <div class="contenedor-inputs">
      <input type="text" name="numero1"  id="nombre" placeholder="Ingresa el número  " maxlength="10" class="input-100" required    />  
       <select name="operador">
           <option value="sumar">+</option>
           <option value="restar">-</option>
           <option value="multiplicar">x</option>
           <option value="dividir">/</option>
       <input type="text" name="numero2"  id="nombre" placeholder="Ingresa el número  " maxlength="10" class="input-100" required    />   
   <input class="form-btn" type="submit" id="btnenviar" value="Ingresar"/>

And the script CGI of PERL is the following:


use strict;' #se utiliza el modo estricto de perl
use CGI;' #Libreria CGI de perl
# Recoge los parametros del formulario
my $cgi = new CGI;
my $n1 = $cgi->param('numero1');
my $n2 = $cgi->param('numero2');
my $op = $cgi->param('operador');

# comprueba si los parametros son numeros
if ($n1 !~ /[0-9]+$/ or $n2 !~ /[0-9]+$/ ) {
  print $cgi->header("text/html");
  print "Error ha ingresado datos incorrectos";
# declara variable total
my $total;

# se verifica la opción que el usuario eligio para mostrar el resultado
if($op eq "sumar"){
}elsif($op eq "restar"){
}elsif($op eq "multiplicar"){
}elsif($op eq "dividir"){
  $total="No se puede dividir entre 0"

# cabecera http
print $cgi->header("text/html");

#muestra el resultado

print "El resultado es " . $total;
asked by Carlos Saz 01.10.2017 в 07:10

1 answer


In the painting part of the result is where you have to send ALL the HTML code of the page you want to see. And with the result in the part you want to appear.

answered by 02.10.2017 в 01:32