Well the truth is quite simple, you can make a for to iterate on each element of your database, you must take into account which library you use to manage the connection with your database, in this example use pymysql
sql1 = "SELECT 'nombre' 'sexo' 'edad' 'telefono' FROM elnombre_de_tu_tabla"
all = cursor.fetchall() # Aca asignamos a la variable all el resultado
Then you have to add all those values in your application iterating over the elements, usually pymysql returns a dictionary:
indice = 1
for item in all:
hoja['A%s' % indice].value = item['nombre']
hoja['B%s' % indice].value = item['sexo']
hoja['C%s' % indice].value = item['edad']
hoja['D%s' % indice].value = item['telefono']
indice += 1
Your question is very broad but I leave you this little guide, here I leave the pymysql link if you are working with MySQL. Remember to pass the variable cursorclass=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor
in the connector, so that you return the dictionary