how to configure the connection-pool / pool of connections of the camel-restlet component


Well, that gives me an error when I make many requests and it takes a while to respond to the endpoint, in my route I use the restlet component to make the call to a service and if for example I make 100 requests from 30 to 40 they are answered but the others give the error:


"09: 28: 51,091 WARNING [org.restlet] (http- / 8080-1) An error   occurred during the communication with the remote HTTP server .:   org.apache.http.conn.ConnectionPoolTimeoutException: Timeout waiting   for connection from pool "

In the camel documentation I only see connection pool of the http4 component not for restlet. I do not know if I should configure the pool of http requests in general ..


asked by zerocool 22.09.2017 в 16:39

1 answer


I solved it by placing? socketTimeout = 120000

answered by 22.09.2017 / 21:27