I have a xampp running with PHP 7.1.9. I use the sql server 2014.
But now I need the drivers for PHP. I can only find a version that supports 5.5, 5.6 ...
( link )
Is there a way to let this work with PHP 7.1.9?
There is no option to change the PHP version in XAMPP.
XAMPP is encoded with a specific version of PHP to ensure that all modules are compatible and work correctly.
However, if your project needs PHP 5.6, you only have to install an earlier version of XAMPP with PHP 5.6 packaged in it.
You should use PDO
without the need for the php drivers
using the following connecction string:
$conn = new PDO('odbc:Driver=;Server='.$Server.';Database='.$Database.';Uid='.$Uid.';Pwd='.$Pwd.';');