I have written a simple application with PyQt4
that performs some calculations. With four pushButtons
I save the data, I recover it, I keep it in docx
and xlsx
format for the project documentation and that a third party can access them.
To create the files docx
and xlsx
use python-docx
and XlsxWriter
, for this I create some modules in the folder scripts
The structure of the project is as follows:
classes/ # Clases comunes con otros proyectos.
|--setup.py # Convierte a exe con cx_Freeze.
|--icon/ # Iconos del proyecto.
| |--__init__.py
| |--miproyecto.ui
| |--miproyecto.py
|--py2docx.py # Exporta datos a docx.
|--py2xlsx.py # Exporta datos a xlsx.
Within miproyecto.pyw
I call the different modules in the following way:
from classes.FEM_2131_2132.chapter_2.loads_0_0_170808 import AdditionalLoads
from qtdesigner.miproyecto import *
from scripts.py2xlsx import py2xlsx
from scripts.py2docx import py2docx
and py2docx
are functions defined within py2xlsx.py
and py2docx.py
that create the corresponding files.
The docx
and xlsx
files are saved in miproyecto.pyw
as follows:
# Export to docx.
def export_docx(self):
name_docx = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, 'Save docx', '', '*.docx;; All Files (*.*)')
name_py = os.path.basename(__file__)[:-4]
data = self.data()
py2docx(name_docx, name_py, *data)
# Export to xlsx.
def export_xlsx(self):
name_xlsx = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, 'Save xlsx', '', '*.xlsx;; All Files (*.*)')
name_py = os.path.basename(__file__)[:-4]
data = self.data()
data_temp1 = [d.split('\n') for d in data] # Get rid of '\n' between fields.
data_temp2 = []
for d in data_temp1:
data_temp2 = data_temp2 + d
data = data_temp2
py2xlsx(name_xlsx, name_py, *data)
The setup.py
script contains the following:
from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable
excludes = ['tkinter']
packages = ['os', 'docx', 'lxml']
build_exe_options = {
'excludes': excludes,
'packages': packages
exe = Executable(
description='Wind action according to FEM 2131/2132',
options={'build_exe': build_exe_options},
When I run Python
the application works perfectly.
When I run the setup
using python setup.py build
it creates the folder build
with the executable. When I launch it, the program works, calculates the data, saves it, reads it again, when I give the buttons to save in docx or xlsx, the save window opens, but the files are not saved.
Even if you enter the name and press save, nothing is saved.
As when executing Python
everything works and when creating the executable with cx_Freeze
it does not give an error message and the folder with the files is created, apparently all normal, I do not know how to attack this problem.
Edited on 09-21-2017
Following the advice of @FJSevilla I have introduced a logging
in the export_docx()
def export_docx(self):
logging.debug('Abre ventana para guardar docx.')
name_docx = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, 'Save docx', '', '*.docx;; All Files (*.*)')
logging.debug('Registra nombre de la aplicación.')
name_py = os.path.basename(__file__)[:-4]
logging.debug('Traspasa datos.')
data = self.data()
logging.debug('Ejecuta la función py2docx() y guarda fichero docx.')
py2docx(name_docx, name_py, *data)
When I run the program from the Python
terminal I get the following log:
2017-09-21 18:47:43,660 : DEBUG : Abre ventana para guardar docx.
2017-09-21 18:47:51,189 : DEBUG : Registra nombre de la aplicación.
2017-09-21 18:47:51,189 : DEBUG : Traspasa datos.
2017-09-21 18:47:51,189 : DEBUG : Ejecuta la función py2docx() y guarda fichero docx.
But when launching the setup
of cx_Frezze
I get the following:
2017-09-21 18:49:44,306 : DEBUG : Abre ventana para guardar docx.
2017-09-21 18:49:52,942 : DEBUG : Registra nombre de la aplicación.