Caret package in R and its predictions


How can I generate some intervals? It can be trusted or predicted for the models that are generated with the Caret package in R.

plsProbs <- predict(plsFit3x10cv, newdata = testing, type = "prob")

You can usually put Interval="Confidence" or something else, but with the models in this package it does not work for me.

asked by Laura Isaza Echeverri 13.09.2017 в 18:36

1 answer


Laura, you can directly access the model in this way <modelo>$finalModel and execute predict as you normally do. Let's see an example:

df <- read.table(text = 'Cobranza Facturacion
100 200
200 400
300 600
100 220
100 210', header=TRUE)

cobranza.lm <- lm(Cobranza ~  Facturacion, data=df)

This is to create a basic linear model to predict a collection based on your billing, now if I want to predict this value from a billing data of 150$ , we can do this:

newdata <-data.frame(Facturacion = c(150))
predict(cobranza.lm, newdata, interval="predict") 

This will return us, the value and the requested interval:

       fit      lwr      upr
1 69.61691 52.76363 86.47019

If we use the caret package, you can do the same thing you ask, but from slightly different way:


cobranza.caret.lm <- train(Cobranza ~  Facturacion, data=df, method='lm')
predict(cobranza.caret.lm$finalModel, newdata, interval = "predict")

As you can see, we built the same previous model, which we can access from cobranza.caret.lm$finalModel , and use it directly in predict as we did before. We should get the same intervals:

       fit      lwr      upr
1 69.61691 52.76363 86.47019

Important Note : The parameter interval is typical of the Class of the defined model, particularly implemented by the models lm and nls , for any other model that does not implement it, the parameter will be ignored.

answered by 13.09.2017 в 19:54