Make CRUD with Python to SQLite


I'm developing a simple script to download some data to a DB what I have is this:


import sqlite3, time

print "Sistema Cargas minutas"
print "Version 0.1"

conn = sqlite3.connect('db_pagos_minuta.sqlite3')
cur = conn.cursor()
salir = 's'

while salir != 'n':
   print "Carga de nuevo requerimiento"
   nombre = raw_input("Introduzca nombre y apellido: ")
   cedula = raw_input("Introduzca numero de Cedula: ")
   cedula = int(cedula)
   datos = list()
   ''' nombre y cedula son las variables que al final iran a la bd '''
   cur.execute("insert into personas (nombre, cedula) values ( ? , ?)" , datos) 


The problem is that after passing the list (or array) in the table of the BD does not update, and does not give error code or Traceback.

asked by Bryan Useche 12.09.2017 в 14:25

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