I have a problem with a complex query. It's about seeing all sales orders. The query is for an ERP called Odoo:
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW public.ordenes_de_venta AS
WITH tabla as (
po.id pos_id,
sp_fecha(to_char(po.create_date, 'D')) AS "día de la semana",
to_char(po.create_date, 'FMDD')::integer AS día,
to_char(po.create_date, 'FMMM')::integer AS mes,
to_char(po.create_date, 'YYYY')::integer AS año,
to_char(po.create_date, 'HH24:MI:SS')::time AS hora,
po.create_date fechor,
po.pos_reference pedido,
pol.product_id AS "id producto",
pt.name AS "nombre producto",
pol.price_unit::numeric(10,2) AS "precio unidad",
pol.qty AS cantidad,
pol.discount AS descuento,
(pol.qty::NUMERIC(10,2) * (pol.price_unit::NUMERIC(10,2) -(pol.discount::NUMERIC(10,2)*
pol.price_unit::NUMERIC(10,2)/100::NUMERIC(10,2))))::NUMERIC(10,2) AS subtotal,
pol.purchase_price::numeric(10,2) AS coste,
pol.margin::numeric(10,2) AS margen,
substring(pol.name, 1, strpos((pol.name)::text, '/')-1) AS "localización",
bn.name AS marca,
sbn.name AS submarca,
pol.product_description AS "descripción producto",
pc.name AS "categoría",
pse.name temporada,
pa.name ||': '|| pav.name atributo,
pp.default_code AS "referencia interna",
rp.name AS proveedor,
round((pol.margin/NULLIF((pol.qty * pol.price_unit * (100::numeric(10,4) - pol.discount) / 100::numeric(10,4))::numeric(10,2),0))::numeric,2) "margen%"
FROM pos_order po
LEFT JOIN pos_order_line pol ON pol.order_id = po.id
LEFT JOIN product_product pp ON pp.id = pol.product_id
LEFT JOIN product_template pt ON pt.id = pp.product_tmpl_id
LEFT JOIN brand_name bn ON bn.id = pol.brand_id
LEFT JOIN subbrand_name sbn ON sbn.id = pol.subbrand_id
LEFT JOIN product_category pc ON pc.id = pt.categ_id
LEFT JOIN product_supplierinfo ps ON ps.product_tmpl_id = pp.product_tmpl_id
LEFT JOIN res_partner rp ON rp.id = ps.name
LEFT JOIN product_season pse ON pse.id = pt.season
LEFT JOIN product_attribute_value_product_product_rel pavppr ON pavppr.product_product_id = pol.product_id
LEFT JOIN product_attribute_value pav ON pav.id = pavppr.product_attribute_value_id
LEFT JOIN product_attribute pa ON pa.id = pav.attribute_id
ORDER BY atributo)
SELECT "día de la semana", "día", mes, año, hora, fechor, pedido, "id producto", "nombre producto", "precio unidad", pos_id
cantidad, descuento, subtotal, margen, coste, localización, marca, submarca, "descripción producto", categoría, temporada, string_agg(atributo,',') atributos,
"referencia interna", string_agg(proveedor,','), "margen%"
FROM tabla
GROUP BY "día de la semana", "día", mes, año, hora, fechor, "id producto", "nombre producto", "precio unidad", pos_id,
cantidad, descuento, subtotal, coste, localización, marca, submarca, "descripción producto", categoría, temporada,
"referencia interna", margen, "margen%", pedido
The table po (pos_order) saves the purchase orders, but does not show all the data that is necessary, that's why I created this view. I can not put the data I'm analyzing because they are from a company.
The problem with this query is that when a cashier picks up a product and passes it through the barcode reader, then another passes and passes the first if I do select * from ordenes_de_venta where pedido = 'Pedido 12323'
will not tell me (among many other fields ):
pos_id pedido producto cantidad precio descuento subtotal
1 12323 Gafas 1 15,90 0 15,90
1 12323 Collar 2 4,95 0 9,90
1 12323 Gafas 1 15.90 0 15.90
pos_id pedido producto cantidad precio descuento subtotal
1 12323 Gafas 1 15,90 0 15,90
1 12323 Collar 2 4,95 0 9,90
If I look in the table po (pos_order) I will find that the 3 lines are there, but when joins are done, one of them is deleted, as if doing distinct
With the query select * from pos_order_line pol join pos_order po on po.id = pol.order_id where po.pos_reference= 'Pedido 12323';
it shows everything I'm looking for.
Thank you.