Pass data from firebase firestore to React JS library "react-table"


I need to pass information from firestore (the new firebase DB) to the react-table library (datable library), it is easy to pass information through .map to some

  • or another element that is repeated according to the number of items contained in the array of objects, but I do not know how to pass the information from the database to the property data = {} of React Table .

    I am using create-react-app in conjunction with Mobx and React Router V4.

    Any help will be welcome.

  • asked by BrolyWeb 15.11.2017 в 23:38

    1 answer


    According to the own documentation of react-table you pass the data in the following way:

        data={[aquí donde estén almacenados tus datos (state o props)]}
        columns={[aquí los valores de los encabezados de las columnas]}

    In any case, your question is not very concrete, can you reconsider it please?


    answered by 21.12.2017 в 10:05