Problem with CakePHP Excel


As the title says I am trying to implement CakePHP Excel, and with the 3 plugins tested so far:

  • Cewi Excel
  • dakota / CakeExcel
  • maraya / CakePHPExcel

After installing them with Composer, and making all the configuration, when inserting this code (necessary) in the Appcontroler.php

public function initialize()
            $this->loadComponent('RequestHandler', [
                    'viewClassMap' => ['xlsx' => 'Cewi/Excel.Excel']

I missed the error var_export does not handle circular references.

I was researching the subject, but there is no clear information apparently about that error in CakePHP. Answers are appreciated from now.

asked by Juanjoo Tocino 08.09.2017 в 21:30

1 answer


In the end I solved the problem.

In the ObjectRegistry.php file

Change replace lines 142 and 143 var_export with print_r

answered by 08.09.2017 в 21:54