Can you help me get the value of the <small>
tag? I tried but I could not. I'm new with this from Jsoup.
It is difficult to know what you have tried and exactly what you have had problems with.
Are you using jSoup to parse HTML as text? Or are you trying to parse the web directly?
With jSoup you can get the content of any tag in multiple ways since HTML can be scrolled and inspected in endless possibilities.
The most comfortable thing you can do is try to search in unique identifier to get as close as possible to your tag, ideally this would have a unique css id or class and it would be trivial to locate it with a xpath expression as similar to this:
But since this is not the case in your case, you should look for an HTML structure that can only be given to get to your tag or look for a combination of attributes in your tag or a nearby container. Something similar to this should work ( I have not tried it since I do not know the HTML code or the web):
Document doc = Jsoup.parse(htmlText);
Element small ="table[bgcolor=#E3E7F1][cellpadding=0]").select("small").first();
The bad thing about this type of access is that your code is very linked to these attributes that can easily vary in HTML design invalidating your code.