Hide fields on form using Primefaces


I have a problem, I am making a form in primefaces and the following happens to me:

View code xhtml


   <p:selectOneRadio layout="responsive" columns="2" value="#{empresaWizard.empresa.stAceptoMultiswitch}">
    <f:selectItem itemLabel="Si" itemValue="1" />
    <f:selectItem itemLabel="No" itemValue="0" />

  <p:inputText  required="true" value="#{empresaWizard.empresa.nbComercial}"  label="Nombre de la Empresa" placeholder="Nombre de la Empresa" size="50"  "/>

I would like that when it's state is 1 my input is hidden but I can not do it, some contribution that can help me, I use rendered="# {empresaWizard.empresa.stAceptoMultiswitch} eq 1.Forward thanks

asked by Jasi Enriquez 09.09.2017 в 19:11

1 answer


You need to evaluate the rendered condition of the input each time the value of selectOneRadio changes in value.

Since the condition of the check checks the value of empresaWizard.empresa.stAceptoMultiswitch , that is, the value of a member of your backing bean, you need to raise an ajax event when you change the value of the radio-button so that the bean has the adequate value.

Then, you need to re-evaluate the condition of rendered with the updated value.

To solve this you can use p: ajax and indicate which items to update at the end of the response using the update attribute


   <p:selectOneRadio layout="responsive" columns="2" value="#{empresaWizard.empresa.stAceptoMultiswitch}">
    <f:selectItem itemLabel="Si" itemValue="1" />
    <f:selectItem itemLabel="No" itemValue="0" />
    <p:ajax update=":nombre-empresa" />    

  <p:inputText  id="nombre-empresa" required="true" value="#{empresaWizard.empresa.nbComercial}" label="Nombre de la Empresa" placeholder="Nombre de la Empresa" size="50"  rendered="#{empresaWizard.empresa.stAceptoMultiswitch eq 1} "/>

In turn, to evaluate if the option 1 was chosen you must place the operator equals (eq) inside the Expression Languaje (EL):

#{empresaWizard.empresa.stAceptoMultiswitch eq 1}
answered by 10.09.2017 в 05:48