is called Method Reference. It was introduced in Java 8.
For a long time, interfaces were used as callbacks for asynchronous processes, such as when you wanted to have the server response or when you wanted to create a new thread:
new Thread(new Runnable{
public void run()
// se ejecuta el callback
Now you can do something similar by sending the references of the methods to use them as callbacks and avoid such complex syntax:
public void LoginUsuario(String usuario, String pass, Consumer<bool,String> loginCallback)
// logeamos usuarios con el servido..
boolean usuarioValido = true;
String token = "adsfasdfadf";
loginCallback.apply(usuarioValido, token);
loginUsuario("einer","123", (valido, token) -> {
// vlidamos si es valido
(valido, token) -> {}
is a valid method that translated would be:
public void callback_respuesta(boolean valido, String token)
// validamos respuesta
That adapting it to your question would be:
loginUsuario("einer","123", clasedelMetodo::callback_respuesta);
What this does is send the method reference callback_respuesta
to the method loginUsuario
This is called lambda functions. There are 3 types that are: Function
, Supplier
and Consummer
. It is good to note that in the end the 3 are interfaces that is a trick that the compiler does to accept that kind of syntax.
This is the same as the Func<T, T1, T2.., TResult>
and < a href="https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/018hxwa8(v=vs.110).aspx"> Action<T, T2...>
of C #.