Good morning: To work, take the essentials and it worked.
$sql021x = "SELECT * FROM $t00 WHERE 00_idpac= '3' ";
//$id el 3 reemplaza al $id sólo para no andar pasando por el buscador.
To then include the join (which is not yet) I replaced the *
with the table and field names:
$sql021x = "SELECT $t00.00_apellido,
FROM $t00
WHERE 00_idpac= '3' ";
And the answer is:
ERROR: It is not possible to execute the query SELECT 00_dato_pac.00_lastname, 00_dato_pac.00_nombre, 00_dato_pac.00_fenacim, 00_dato_pac.00_nacional, 00_dato_pac.00_dni, 00_dato_pac.00_domicili, 00_dato_pac.00_localida, 00_dato_pac.00_cp, 00_dato_pac.00_partido, 00_dato_pac. 00_contacto, 00_dato_pac.00_telcelu, 00_dato_pac.00_telfijo, 00_dato_pac.00_email, 00_dato_pac.00_relfami, 00_dato_pac.00_oscobert, 00_dato_pac.00_nucobert, 00_dato_pac.00_tienecud, 00_dato_pac.00_fevenccud, 00_dato_pac.00_diagnost, 00_dato_pac.00_motivocons, 00_dato_pac.00_proforien, 00_dato_pac.00_feorien, 00_dato_pac.00_hoorien, 00_dato_pac.00_observac, 00_dato_pac.00_iduser, 00_dato_pac.00_carga, 00_dato_pac.00_idpac FROM 00_dato_pac WHERE 00_idpac = '3'.
I feel confused
Someone here who understands or knows what macana I sent me?