How to set up a custom B2B app so that it is available to a customer?


I have an app developed and I want to distribute it through Apple's private B2B system.

The steps I have followed are the following:

  • Upload the app to iTunnes connect. (Xcode - Product - Archive - Upload to App Store ...)

  • With the ID of Apple with which I have uploaded the App I enter the Apple developer account

  • I go to the iTunes Connect section and to "Go To iTunnes Connect", then to the "My Apps" icon to see all the applications uploaded

  • In the last application under the title, a label appears with the phrase "iOS In preparation for ..."

  • I click on the icon to access the application information. Then to "price and availability"

  • Then in "Volume Purchasing Programs" I choose "Private available as a custom B2B app" and here you enter the Apple ID of the authorized customer for the Volume Purchase Program

  • Then I press "Save"

How do I see if what I have done is correct? Does the App suppose that it will only appear to that client when it connects to the App Store?

asked by Popularfan 30.08.2017 в 16:20

1 answer


The following link explains the details of each of the options available to upload the app: types of distributions , and in this other how to proceed to distribute it through the B2B system: B2B system .

answered by 07.02.2018 в 16:08