I have a problem that I hope you can help me solve:
I have to try to pass a cv :: Mat from c ++ to C # to convert it into a Texture2D. That is, I from c ++ capture the image of my Webcam using opencv. Once I have obtained the frame in cv :: Mat format, I have to pass it to C # to be able to show it in a Texture2D. The problem is that I do not get that communication. I add the code so you can advise me. Greetings and thanks
C ++:
void video(unsigned char *ptr, int wid, int high)
VideoCapture camera;
if (!camera.open(0))
Mat frame;
camera >> frame;
if (!frame.empty())
ptr = frame.data;
wid = frame.cols;
high = frame.rows;
imshow("CAMARA", frame);
Unity C #
[DllImport("NativoPrincipio.dll")]public static extern void video(out IntPtr Image, out int wid, out int hig);
IntPtr im_ptr = IntPtr.Zero;
int wid = webcamTexture.width;
int hei = webcamTexture.height;
video(out im_ptr, out wid, out hei);
//byte* src = (byte*)im_ptr.ToPointer();
Texture2D tex = Texture2D.CreateExternalTexture(wid, hei, TextureFormat.RGB24, false, false, im_ptr);
File.WriteAllBytes("C:\Users\usortiz\Desktop\pepe.png", (byte[])tex.EncodeToPNG());
GetComponent<Renderer>().material.mainTexture = tex;