I need help with this error that marks me mysql and I do not understand what it means, and how I would have to solve it.
drop temporary table if exists MinP;
create temporary table MinP
(select CantidadPS.cuil, min(CantidadPS.CantPrendas)
(select ps.cuil, count(*) as CantPrendas
from prendas_sastres ps
inner join prendas p on p.nro_persona=ps.nro_persona
and p.cod_tipo_prenda=ps.cod_tipo_prenda and p.nro_pedido=ps.nro_pedido
where fecha_fin_real is null and fecha_medicion is not null
group by ps.cuil)CantidadPS);
The Error that marks me is the following:
Error Code: 1140. In aggregated query without GROUP BY, expression #1
of SELECT list contains nonaggregated column 'CantidadPS.cuil';
this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by