Hello, I have a list of decimals that I converted to String, in order to change the points by commas. But with "replace" it does not allow me to make the change, I'm doing it this way:
for i in range(len(UCL)): #UCL de corte
The original UCL list is of the form:
['2.363636368', '2.17391304', '3.875', '2.282828286', '2.383838386', '2.616161618', '2.363636368', '4.85', '4.75', '2.282828289', '2.616161618', '0.666666666', '3.0', '3.272727272', '2.434343439', '0.666666666', '0.666666666', '2.538461538', '0.666666666', '3.875', '2.616161618', '2.393939396', '0.666666666', '0.666666666', '0.666666666', '0.666666666', '2.383838384']
My idea is to print the same but changing the points by commas within each string of the UCL list.