I have a development made with IONIC 1 that works perfectly on Android . I'm trying to upload it to the cloud with " IONIC Package " for IOs platform, to get the executable ". ipa " of iPhone.
With the execution of " ionic package build ios --profile MYSECURITYTAG " in the Windows CMD you upload to the IONIC Package package, but in FAILED .
To know the details of the error, I execute in CMD " ionic package info NUMEROBUILD " and visualize the following:
Caught exception: SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input at Object.parse (native) at Request._callback (C: \ Users \ Alan \ AppData \ Roaming \ npm \ node_modules \ ionic \ node_modules \ ionic-app-lib \ lib \ package.js: 116: 27) at Request.self.callback (C: \ Users \ Alan \ AppData \ Roaming \ npm \ node_modules \ ionic \ node_modules \ request \ request.js: 373: 22) at emitTwo (events.js: 106: 13) at Request.emit (events.js: 191: 7) at Request. (C: \ Users \ Alan \ AppData \ Roaming \ npm \ node_modules \ ionic \ node_modules \ request \ request.js: 1318: 14) at emitOne (events.js: 101: 20) at Request.emit (events.js: 188: 7) at IncomingMessage. (C: \ Users \ Alan \ AppData \ Roaming \ npm \ node_modules \ ionic \ node_modules \ request \ request.js: 1266: 12) at emitNone (events.js: 91: 20)
I have not modified my package.json because I do not know how to configure it for IOs platform, however, I do not know if that is the error
I'm doing everything from a Windows 10 PC, developing with IONIC 1.
Thank you!