Oauthcpp: Undefined reference to OAuth


I am using the following code. Which can be obtained from here .

I am looking to make a twitter from a program, I am using codeblocks in raspbian SO. Below are the errors that mark me when compiling.

I also followed the instructions shown using cmake and I get executable files (I think one of them uses this code) and I do not get anything.

I would appreciate if you could guide me to use this library correctly

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <liboauthcpp/liboauthcpp.h>

 /* These are input settings that make this demo actually work -- you need to get
  * these, e.g. by referring to the Twitter documentation and by registering an
  * application with them. Here we have examples from Twitter. If you
  * don't enter any, you'll be prompted to enter them at runtime.
 std::string consumer_key = ""; // Key from Twitter
 std::string consumer_secret = ""; // Secret from Twitter
 std::string request_token_url = "https://api.twitter.com/oauth/request_token";
 std::string request_token_query_args = "oauth_callback=oob";
 std::string authorize_url = "https://api.twitter.com/oauth/authorize";
 std::string access_token_url = "https://api.twitter.com/oauth/access_token";

std::string getUserString(std::string prompt) {
std::cout << prompt << " ";

std::string res;
std::cin >> res;
std::cout << std::endl;
return res;

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
if (argc > 1 && std::string(argv[1]) == std::string("--debug"))

// Initialization
if (consumer_key.empty()) consumer_key = getUserString("Enter consumer key:");
if (consumer_secret.empty()) consumer_secret = getUserString("Enter consumer secret:");
OAuth::Consumer consumer(consumer_key, consumer_secret);
OAuth::Client oauth(&consumer);

// Step 1: Get a request token. This is a temporary token that is used for
// having the user authorize an access token and to sign the request to
// obtain said access token.
std::string base_request_token_url = request_token_url + (request_token_query_args.empty() ? std::string("") : (std::string("?")+request_token_query_args) );
std::string oAuthQueryString =
    oauth.getURLQueryString( OAuth::Http::Get, base_request_token_url);

std::cout << "Enter the following in your browser to get the request token: " << std::endl;
// Note that getting the query string includes the arguments we
// passed in, so we don't need to include request_token_query_args
// again.
std::cout << request_token_url << "?" << oAuthQueryString << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;

// Extract the token and token_secret from the response
std::string request_token_resp = getUserString("Enter the response:");
// This time we pass the response directly and have the library do the
// parsing (see next extractToken call for alternative)
OAuth::Token request_token = OAuth::Token::extract( request_token_resp );

// Get access token and secret from OAuth object
std::cout << "Request Token:" << std::endl;
std::cout << "    - oauth_token        = " << request_token.key() << std::endl;
std::cout << "    - oauth_token_secret = " << request_token.secret() << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;

// Step 2: Redirect to the provider. Since this is a CLI script we
// do not redirect. In a web application you would redirect the
// user to the URL below.
std::cout << "Go to the following link in your browser to authorize this application on a user's account:" << std::endl;
std::cout << authorize_url << "?oauth_token=" << request_token.key() << std::endl;

// After the user has granted access to you, the consumer, the
// provider will redirect you to whatever URL you have told them
// to redirect to. You can usually define this in the
// oauth_callback argument as well.
std::string pin = getUserString("What is the PIN?");

// Step 3: Once the consumer has redirected the user back to the
// oauth_callback URL you can request the access token the user
// has approved. You use the request token to sign this
// request. After this is done you throw away the request token
// and use the access token returned. You should store the oauth
// token and token secret somewhere safe, like a database, for
// future use.
oauth = OAuth::Client(&consumer, &request_token);
// Note that we explicitly specify an empty body here (it's a GET) so we can
// also specify to include the oauth_verifier parameter
oAuthQueryString = oauth.getURLQueryString( OAuth::Http::Get, access_token_url, std::string( "" ), true );
std::cout << "Enter the following in your browser to get the final access token & secret: " << std::endl;
std::cout << access_token_url << "?" << oAuthQueryString;
std::cout << std::endl;

// Once they've come back from the browser, extract the token and token_secret from the response
std::string access_token_resp = getUserString("Enter the response:");
// On this extractToken, we do the parsing ourselves (via the library) so we
// can extract additional keys that are sent back, in the case of twitter,
// the screen_name
OAuth::KeyValuePairs access_token_resp_data = OAuth::ParseKeyValuePairs(access_token_resp);
OAuth::Token access_token = OAuth::Token::extract( access_token_resp_data );

std::cout << "Access token:" << std::endl;
std::cout << "    - oauth_token        = " << access_token.key() << std::endl;
std::cout << "    - oauth_token_secret = " << access_token.secret() << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "You may now access protected resources using the access tokens above." << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;

std::pair<OAuth::KeyValuePairs::iterator, OAuth::KeyValuePairs::iterator> screen_name_its = access_token_resp_data.equal_range("screen_name");
for(OAuth::KeyValuePairs::iterator it = screen_name_its.first; it != screen_name_its.second; it++)
    std::cout << "Also extracted screen name from access token response: " << it->second << std::endl;

// E.g., to use the access token, you'd create a new OAuth using
// it, discarding the request_token:
// oauth = OAuth::Client(&consumer, &access_token);

return 0;

The errors it gives me are:

 /home/pi/Documents/C++/twitter3/main.cpp:29: undefined reference to 'OAuth::SetLogLevel(OAuth::_LogLevel)'
 /home/pi/Documents/C++/twitter3/main.cpp:34: undefined reference to 'OAuth::Consumer::Consumer(std::string const&, std::string const&)'
 /home/pi/Documents/C++/twitter3/main.cpp:35: undefined reference to 'OAuth::Client::Client(OAuth::Consumer const*)'
 /home/pi/Documents/C++/twitter3/main.cpp:42: undefined reference to 'OAuth::Client::getURLQueryString(OAuth::Http::_RequestType, std::string const&, std::string const&, bool) const'
 /home/pi/Documents/C++/twitter3/main.cpp:55: undefined reference to 'OAuth::Token::extract(std::string const&)'
 /home/pi/Documents/C++/twitter3/main.cpp:83: undefined reference to 'OAuth::Client::Client(OAuth::Consumer const*, OAuth::Token const*)'
 /home/pi/Documents/C++/twitter3/main.cpp:83: undefined reference to 'OAuth::Client::~Client()'
 /home/pi/Documents/C++/twitter3/main.cpp:86: undefined reference to 'OAuth::Client::getURLQueryString(OAuth::Http::_RequestType, std::string const&, std::string const&, bool) const'
 /home/pi/Documents/C++/twitter3/main.cpp:96: undefined reference to 'OAuth::ParseKeyValuePairs(std::string const&)'
 /home/pi/Documents/C++/twitter3/main.cpp:97: undefined reference to 'OAuth::Token::extract(std::multimap<std::string, std::string, std::less<std::string>, std::allocator<std::pair<std::string const, std::string> > > const&)'
 /home/pi/Documents/C++/twitter3/main.cpp:35: undefined reference to 'OAuth::Client::~Client()'
 /home/pi/Documents/C++/twitter3/main.cpp:35: undefined reference to 'OAuth::Client::~Client()'
asked by Saginho Correa 11.08.2017 в 23:41

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