Do I need to know how to resolve this response from a go daddy server on my local server works with the code below?


500 - Internal server error. There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it can not be displayed.

this is the connection to the database

  $conexion = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "contraseña", " nombre bd");
    //if (!$conexion){
   //echo 'Error al conectar a la base de datos';
  //else {
  //  echo 'conectado a la base de datos'; 

and this is the record

   include 'conectar.php';
  //recibir los datos y almacenarlos en variables
  $correo= $_POST["correo"];
 //consulta para insertar
 $insertar = "INSERT INTO **tnombre de la tabla de 
 bd**(correo) VALUES ('$correo')";
//Ejecutar consulta
$resultado = mysqli_query($conexion, $insertar);

 if (!$resultado) {
    echo 'Error al registrarse';
 } else{
    echo 'Usuario registrado Exitosamente';
 //Cerrar conexion
asked by user39772 10.08.2017 в 21:00

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