SQL Cascading search


Good morning!

I have a question, I need to perform a cascade search with a string in the following 5 scenarios:


Scenario1: string = 'value1 value2 value3 value4 value5'
  Scenario2: string = 'value1 value2 value3 value4'
Scenario3:   string = 'value1 value2 value3'
Scenario4: string = 'value1   value2 '
Scenario5: string =' value1 '

The search must be cascaded in a table that contains a field for each value, being more or less like this:

For scenario 1:

SELECT * FROM 'Tabla'<br>
WHERE 'Campo1' = 'valor1'<br>
  AND 'Campo2' = 'valor2'<br>
  AND 'Campo3' = 'valor3'<br>
  AND 'Campo4' = 'valor4'<br>
  AND 'Campo5' = 'valor5'<br>

For scenario 2:

SELECT * FROM 'Tabla'<br>
WHERE 'Campo1' = 'valor1'<br>
  AND 'Campo2' = 'valor2'<br>
  AND 'Campo3' = 'valor3'<br>
  AND 'Campo4' = 'valor4'<br>

And so on ...

The question is: in what way can I separate that value chain to encompass the 5 scenarios that will be variable?

Could the functionality of 'full-text search' serve me to perform the searches on the table using the string directly as a variable in the query?

I hope you can support me, thank you.

asked by D. Cortez 10.08.2017 в 17:38

2 answers


If I understood correctly, you can use something like this:

DECLARE @v1 VARCHAR(10), @v2 VARCHAR(10), @v3 VARCHAR(10), @v4 VARCHAR(10), @v5 VARCHAR(10), @var INT, @x VARCHAR(1000), @temp VARCHAR(100)

SET @x = 'COHD910745GV1 123211471 910709 DFSDC412 SDFSD3210'
SET @var = 0

WHILE (CHARINDEX(' ', LTrim(RTRIM(@x)))>0)
    SET @var= @var + 1
    SET @temp = SUBSTRING(@x, 1, CHARINDEX(' ', LTrim(RTRIM(@x))))
    SET @x = LTRIM(RTRIM(REPLACE(@x, @temp, '')))

    if @var = 1
        SET @v1 = @temp
    if @var = 2
        SET @v2 = @temp
    if @var = 3
        SET @v3 = @temp
    if @var = 4
        SET @v4 = @temp

if @v1 is NULL
    SET @v1 = @x
    IF @v2 is NULL
        SET @v2 = @x
        if @v3 is NULL
            set @v3 = @x
            IF @v4 is NULL
                SET @v4 = @x
                SET @v5 = @x

WHERE (Campo1 is null or Campo1 = @v1)
AND (Campo2 is null or Campo2 = @v2)
AND (Campo3 is null or Campo3 = @v3)
AND (Campo4 is null or Campo4 = @v4)
AND (Campo5 is null or Campo5 = @v5)

And so you make the where is conditional, if you initialize the value that filter will be made, if all the values are null, it will return all the records.

answered by 10.08.2017 / 19:13

As I see your string variable can contain up to 5 different values, if so a trick that can help you would be to concatenate the left side of the condition to compare it with your variable, ie:

WHERE 'Campo1' + ' ' 
    + 'Campo2' + ' ' 
    + 'Campo3' + ' ' 
    + 'Campo4' + ' ' 
    + 'Campo5' like '%' + string + '%'

With this you would not worry about breaking down your string, but rather about concatenating your columns correctly.


  • If the order of the values in the 'string' is changing, it will not be enough to concatenate the columns in a single order.
  • The performance will be affected a bit since the condition does not work on indexed columns.

I hope I have helped, greetings.

answered by 10.08.2017 в 18:56