Currently I want to make my website responsive, but when I want to modify some measures of some elements they do not change, for example I have a mask that covers some of my images, the image if it adapts.
Viewing my image in responsive mode.
Media queries code
/** Se crea el diseño responsivo de forma manual **/
@media only screen and (min-width: 600px) and (max-width: 1200px) {
#navegacion {
display: none;
#navegacionIpad {
width: 20%;
#imgNi {
width: 5%;
height: 5%;
/** Este el estilo que deberia modificar la altura **/
.clMascara {
height: 10%;
background-color: red;
Console view
In the console it shows me the figure above, I do not know if it's an error class.
HTML code
<!-- Mascara de mario bros-->
<div id="idContenedorS" >
<div id="Mascara" class="clMascara">
<center><span id="spnMM">
Precio:$1200.00 MXN.
Clasificacion: Toda la Familia.
Genero: Fantasia.
<!-- Mascara de Call of duty-->
<div id="idContenedorSW" >
<div id="MascaraW">
<center><span id="spnMW">
Precio:$1500.00 MXN.
Clasificacion: Para Mayores de 16 años
Genero: Guerra.
<!-- Mascara de FIFA-->
<div id="idContenedorSF" >
<div id="MascaraF">
<center><span id="spnMF">
Precio:$1000.00 MXN.
Clasificacion: Toda la Familia.
Genero: Deportes.